Project Information
- Category: Data Analytics
- Client: Personal Project
- Project Date: Jan, 2024
- Project URL: GitHub Repository
- Tool & Tech: PowerBI, MS Excel
Road Accidents Data Analytics
A comprehensive data analytics project focusing on road accidents in Kensington and Chelsea during 2021-22, using Power BI. Key insights include:
- Accident Overview: Majority categorized as 'Slight.'
- Monthly Trends: Slight increase during winter.
- Weather Conditions: Most accidents occurred in 'Daylight.'
- Police Force Distribution: Varied distribution among police forces.
- Urban/Rural Areas: Insights into accident-prone areas.
- Vehicle Types: Analysis of vehicle types involved.
- Junction Types: Data on accident-prone junctions.
- Day of the Week: More accidents on Fridays.
- Road Type and Conditions: Detailed view of high-risk road conditions.
Visualizations include graphs, pie charts, and maps to offer dynamic views of accident data.